Set against a backdrop of 1980s Lagos, struggling under the weight of austerity measures and the infamous War Against Indiscipline. In 'Swallow', Kunle Afolayan opts for a retro film look tha..
Barrier is comparable to Last Year at Marienbad with its non-linear development, mysterious characters and inexplicable mis-en-scene. It also shares the guerrilla film-making style of the F..
An urban love story set on the hard streets of the Bronx. A struggling female Pimp, named Wednesday, grows up learning the game from her dad. Once he's gone she's left to look out for her pro..
三个儿时的玩伴,瑞弗金(克里斯·克莱因 Chris Klein 饰)、费勒(伊利亚·伍德 Elijah Wood 饰)和狄克逊,一直保持着纯真的友谊,尽管他们在纽约过着不同的生活。然而,一天,他们共同收到了应征入伍的通知单,只有30天的准备时间。这个通知对他们的生活产生了深远的影响。瑞弗金是一名已婚律师,事业正在上升期,最近刚被升为律所的合伙人。他努力寻找应征入伍程序中的法律漏洞,希望能够逃避兵..
A young girl struggles after a traumatic horse riding accident causes her to lose her eyesight. CHARLES, the head trainer of Southeastern Guide Dogs, trains Apple, a miniature horse, to be her panion..
2004年,美国在伊拉克的战争仍未有结束的迹象,而前方战士的伤亡则一直在增加……美国海军陆战队上校迈克(凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon 饰)接受了一项任务:护送一等兵钱斯的遗体回乡安葬,尽管迈克与钱斯素不相识,后者又并非他的下属,但参加过海湾战争的迈克认为有责任帮助这位科罗拉多同乡入土为安。与此同时,钱斯和战友们的遗体从欧洲的机场开始了回家之路,在凝重的氛围中,他们的遗体被仔细的清理、编号,..