梦想成为了不起的罪犯的迪格南(欧文?威尔逊 Owen Wilson 饰)找来刚结束了精神病院治疗生活的好友安东尼(卢克?威尔逊 Luke Wilson 饰),以及能够充当司机的大麻爱好者鲍勃(Robert Musgrave 饰)组成了一个仓促上马的犯罪团伙。先用偷窃安东尼家来热身的这伙准罪犯们苦练枪法、设计路线,终于成功打劫了一家书店,兴高采烈进入罪犯行列的迪格南等人驾车逃窜,躲入了一家汽车旅馆..
An American cycling team trains at a remote European lodge. Teammates start dying mysteriously. Rivals Connor and Greg battle to survive and uncover the cause behind the team's demise.
Two married couples become increasingly agitated with each other as they find out things about each other's past, while one of them is reviving disturbing packages from an unknown source
缉毒小队“破坏者”在队长约翰·沃顿(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)的率领下闯入臭名昭著的贩毒团伙奥加尔萨联盟的据点,经过一轮激烈的交锋,小队一名成员战死,而现场丢失的一千万美元现金也让“破坏者”的所有成员遭到了上层组织的调查。未过多久,高层指示约翰和成员们各就各位,重新开始行动。谁知未过多久,小队成员接二连三死于非命。似乎奥加尔萨为了丢失的巨款恼羞成怒,正展开疯..